Project and Swerve
Here's the full story as featured on my blog (http://ahdamnkomar.wordpress.com/2013/05/03/project-and-swerve). On March 3rd, 2010, four members of the Conroe Police ...

Wrongful conviction and then some…
In 2002, I was convicted of a crime I did not commit and received 45 years in NCDOC. I lost ...

Cop Shoots Man Holding Cellphone, Gets Silver Valor Award
Henrico County police officer Brian K. Anderson remembers how slowly the glass seemed to shatter as he fired his gun ...

DHS Funds Installation of “White Boxes” That Can Track Population of Entire City
Police refuse to explain mesh network planned for “citywide deployment” in Seattle. Strange new off-white boxes popping up in downtown ...

Cops Subject Man to Forced Anal Penetration and Defecation
A minor traffic stop went nightmarishly wrong for a New Mexico man who was detained by police and forced to ...
Filmmakers Expose Cops Shooting Dogs Nationwide: Video and Interview
Every 98 minutes, a dog is shot by law enforcement. Officer Fike crushes a dog's back, throws the dog down ...
Cops Have Killed Over 5,000 Americans Since 9/11
Though Americans commonly believe law enforcement’s role in society is to protect them and ensure peace and stability within the ...

SAMPLE – Add your personal reports to this page.
Your post will show up just like this one and you can start sharing it right away. The image you ...

USA: Number of Prisoners Now Exceeds High School Teachers and Engineers
If sitting in a prison cell was a job, it would be one of the most common jobs in the ...