ACLU Sues City of St. Louis For Police Misconduct During Protests

There have been a lot of protests recently in St. Louis, Missouri after a judge declared a cop not guilty of murdering an unarmed black man that he shot with an assault rifle while the victim was in his car.

The ACLU was fed up with police misconduct during the protests and has filed a lawsuit against the city of St. Louis for “unlawful and unconstitutional” actions during protests of the not guilty verdict.

The lawsuit, announced in a press release, centers on the use of chemical weapons, interference with people filming police activity and violation of due process during the “kettling” incident downtown on Sunday, reported The St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

“To create long-term change, we must address the problems of policing and racial disparities collaboratively,” the press release said. “Law enforcement officers, community members, experts, advocates, and elected officials must come together to create sustainable solutions. We must foster understanding and trust.”

121 people were arrested Sunday night following the kettling process, including a Post-Dispatch reporter who was reporting on the scene, as well as other reporters who filmed the illegal police activities. Most of the charged were accused of failure to disperse.

Mike Faulk, The Post-Dispatch reported abused and arrested, said that he was on the ground and his hands were bound with zip ties when a police officer held his head down with his foot and then an officer sprayed him in the face with a chemical agent assumed to be mace or pepper spray.
