SONOMA — Americans erupted in angry protests after an officer who fatally shot a 13-yr-old boy returned to work this week, according to reports.
The protesters carried large wooden crosses and shut down public meetings by city and county officials.
At least two of them have been arrested so far.
“Do you know what Sonoma County Justice means? It means you kill a Mexican child and you get two months paid vacation and your job back,” said one of the protesters.
One girl can be seen in the video below calling the officers “bitches.”
Another protester was arrested on suspicion of striking an officer with a cross.
Warning: Strong Language
Just over a month ago, Officer Erick Gelhaus opened fire on Andy Lopez, a 13-yr-old boy, shooting him seven times. Andy perished instantly, leaving behind his friends and loved ones.
Officer Gelhaus resumed working on Monday, receiving money from American taxpayers forced to pay for his career.
Gelhaus claims that he thought Andy’s toy BB gun was an AK-47.
Even if it were an AK-47, do cops have the right to murder any American bearing arms?
“There’s a difference between a cold-hearted killer walking down the street with a gun than a little kid walking down the street with a BB gun. There’s something wrong,” said Gabriel Roque, Andy’s friend.
Gelhous knew exactly what to say in order to legally justify the shooting.
It turns out that long before the shooting, he posted in an internet forum on the subject of what officers should say to justify the use of force against someone carrying a BB gun.
“It’s going to come down to YOUR ability to articulate to law enforcement and very likely the Court that you were in fear of death or serious bodily injury,” said Gelhous.
He added:
“I think we keep coming back to this, articulation — your ability to explain why — will be quite significant.”
It appears that that is precisely what Gelhous has done, given that he now has his job back.
“I would never release someone who put seven bullets into a 13-year-old’s body,” said Elaine Holtz, one of the protesters.