Mirrors Brought to Protests: Police Forced to Look at What They’ve Become

UKRAINE — In a move that is picking up international attention, the people of Ukraine have begun bringing mirrors to their protests. They say they’re doing it to force police to look at their own reflection, in a piercing psychological reminder of what they’ve turned into. The idea came about after police were seen violently … Read more

Police Enter Couple’s Private Property Without Permission and Gun Down Their Dog

HOLLY HILL — Police trespassed onto a couple’s private property and opened fire on their pet dog, according to reports. Richard Stotler was in his home with his girlfriend minding his own business when officers began knocking on his front door. The officers claimed to be looking for a “prostitute.” Stotler told them that he … Read more

Americans Outraged After Cop Who Illegally Fingered Boy’s Anus Gets Mercy From Judge

MILWAUKEE —  A judge’s shockingly merciful ruling over an officer charged with 25 counts of assault and sexual assault has sparked national outrage. Many Americans argue that the ruling is an example of extreme injustice and even racism within the court system. Officer Michael Vagnini gruesomely molested at least a dozen victims one of whom was a … Read more

Woman Sexually Assaulted After Government Database Reveals Her Home Address to Cop

FAYETTEVILLE — The U.S. government insists that it gathers our personal information for the purpose of “safety.” But a woman recently experienced the opposite of “safety” after she was sexually assaulted by an officer who used a government database to find out her name and home location, according to reports. The woman reports that she … Read more

WATCH: Cops on Power Trip, Shamed After Confronting Man Who Knows His Rights

2013/12/27 Because they wear special costumes and enjoy the privilege of belonging to a group that calls itself “government,” these individuals feel that they have a right to harass and abuse peaceful people. You can see the looks on their faces and their body language after this man shames them for their role as revenue … Read more

Officer Stomps on American Man’s Groin Area, Calls the Man “Terrorist” in Front of His Child

QUEENS — A man who was in the parking lot of Fresh Meadows supermarket, waiting for his wife to finish getting groceries, was surprised when officer Milko Mejia rolled up behind him and began honking, according to reports. Gamal Abdelaziz, who is a 57-yr-old American of Arab descent, realized that the officer wanted to drive … Read more

50-yr-old Obese Cop Threatens to Arrest Young Woman if She Doesn’t Have Sex With Him: Conviction

ST LOUIS — An officer has been convicted for threatening a woman with arrest if she did not have sex with him. Sadly, the woman was forced to perform sexual acts on his body because she feared being locked in jail, according to reports. It began when the now-former officer Timothy Jones, 50, pulled over … Read more

Police Now Taking Blood and Saliva from Drivers Across the Nation

2013/12/17 WASHINGTON, DC — A federal program that began in Texas has now spread to an estimated 60 communities across the nation and shows no signs of stopping. Police throughout the country are continuing to stop Americans at checkpoints to extract their blood and saliva under the direction federal government contractors, according to reports. The … Read more

American Citizen Labeled “Trash,” Hanged to Death in Police Custody

UPDATE: Cops File Restraining Order Against Coroner, Prevent Further Investigation into Hanging Death Zachary Goldson was called “trash” by police and found to be hanged to death in their custody. Before his death by hanging, police were also heard saying “Yeah, this motherfucker is getting a welcome party when we get to jail.” Dr. Judith … Read more

Mother of Three Shot in the Head, Killed, as She Sat on Couch

ROSS COUNTY — As Krystal Barrows was resting on her couch minding her own business, the last thing she expected was to be shot in the head and killed. It happened when officers crowded around her home to perform yet another failed “drug raid.” According to reports, officers from U.S. 23 Task Force were executing … Read more

police corruption

I have some information I believe you would find rather interesting. Being I have many friends, I know a officer from NY who told me what the law enforcement is like up there. he said it runs like the mafia, being it is not surprising the police already horribly attack people, the police also as … Read more