MONCKS CORNER, S.C. — The Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office is facing accusations of using excessive force during an incident on October 14, at a home on Maggie Lane in Moncks Corner.
The sheriff’s office says a 911 reported Rashon Smith was assaulting his 19-month-old child with a belt.
The report says deputies entered the home and announced who they were, but no one responded.
The deputies found a naked baby sleeping in a crib and Smith laying on a nearby bed, according to the report. When a deputy pulled the blanket off of Smith, the report says he tried to grab the deputy’s neck.
“They came in my house. I woke up with them handcuffing me and beating me, before they even told me what they had going on,” Smith claims.
The sheriff claims Smith kicked one officer, and bit another deputy so badly he broke through skin.
Smith says that’s just not true, and is now working with the National Action Network. On Friday, the group called a press conference asking for State Law Enforcement Division to investigate.
The sheriff’s office says Smith had a warrant out with five caution indicators, and also says he has a history of resisting officers.
Body camera video of the incident could be available next week, according to the sheriff’s office.