PHILADELPHIA — Communities have erupted in protest after a black 16-yr-old boy was sexually assaulted by a police officer so violently that it ruptured his testicles.

It’s possible that he may never be able to bear children because of the officer’s action.
It began when Darrin Manning, a star basketball player and straight A student with no history of crime, was with his teammates heading to a game after school, according to reports.
The boys all had scarves covering the lower portions of their faces as the cold weather had reached record-low temperatures that night.
Veronica Joyner, the Principal of the boys’ School had earlier given the boys scarves to wear to keep warm.
Within 20 minutes of the boys leaving school, she was called and told that one of them had been arrested.
It happened because police officers who saw the boys in the subway didn’t like that their faces were covered, and so attempted to perform “stop and frisk” procedures on them.
Several of the boys ran away, not wishing to be harassed by police. But Darrin stayed put, stating “I didn’t do anything wrong.”
That’s when the unthinkable happened.
One of the officers placed Darren in handcuffs so that he could not escape and began fondling his body — to the point of gripping and yanking his testicles until one of them burst open.
“I felt the officer reach and grab my butt. Then the officer grabbed my testicles and squeezed again and pulled down. And that’s when I heard something pop, like I felt it POP,” Manning told reporters.

Manning was thrown in a jail cell and did not receive medical care until the next evening and was still unable to walk a week later, according to reports.
He was taken to the Children’s Hospital of Philadephia, where an emergency surgery was performed on his genitals.
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The vein that allows sperm to transfer to his penis was damaged so badly that it had to be surgically reconstructed.
“I blame myself,” the boy’s mother told reporters, in tears. “I taught my son to respect cops, not to fear them. Maybe if he was afraid, he would have run like the other boys and he would have been OK.”
“I’m just grateful that they didn’t just kill him,” she added.
The cops claim that the boy “assaulted” them and charged him with “resisting arrest.” Of course, cops receive professional training on how to deceive the public, so their claims are unreliable.
Now, Philly in Focus has announced emergency community meetings and protests over the sexual assault.
“It’s such a tragedy to happen to a young man like this who’s going to be scarred, whether it’s physically scarred, which is a possibility, but certainly mentally scarred his entire life,” said Lewis Small, the lawyer who is taking on the case for the boy.
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“We want to have some questions answered and some accountability,” said Keon Gerow, Pastor of Catalyst for Change Church.
“We want the entire public to be aware, not only of the Darrin Manning situation, but the entire issue of police brutality,” he added.