Cop Threatens to Confiscate 4-yr-old’s Bike, Brings Child to Tears

Little Sophie now walks after police harassed her for riding a bike. Image via BBC

Adan Salazar |

A 4-year-old rebel thought she’d gotten away with the perfect crime when she defiantly pedaled her bicycle on the sacred pavement of a UK footpath.

But to the criminal’s chagrin, a duteous officer stringently enforced an ordinance protecting the walkway from delinquent cyclists, and went above and beyond the call of duty by threatening the miscreant’s two-wheeled property.

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The parents of little Sophie Lindley were puzzled by a police encounter last week in which a Lincolnshire officer stated he had the authority to confiscate their daughter’s bike.

Sophie regularly rides with her parents from their home to school.

Last Monday, however, an unidentified cop gave them grief on the nearly two-mile stretch.

“A police car pulled over and told me she had to get off her bike as it is against the law to ride on the footpath,” Sophie’s father Dale described to the Grantham Journal.

“He said ‘The law is the law’ and she was not allowed to ride on the path,” he told the BBC.

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“He then drove off but said he’d be checking his mirrors, and if he saw her riding the bike again he would confiscate it.”

Dale picked up his daughter and carried her the rest of the journey as she sobbed, reports The Journal.

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