Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project
San Bernardino, CA — The next time someone asks you why people don’t trust police, show them this video of a San Bernardino Sheriff’s deputy threatening to make up charges against an innocent man — for no reason.
Duncan Hicks went to the San Bernardino Sheriff’s station last month to file a report but was met with obstinate bureaucracy and eventually threats.
Hicks was attempting to file a report with the department and had done so on multiple occasions without incident. Hicks told CBS Los Angeles this was his third time there and he also called once to file a few custody disputes with his child’s mother. But this time, he says, the deputy refused to write his report down and then took it a step further.
Hicks was politely trying to explain to the deputy that his report was not stating the problem when the cop lost it.
“This is not explaining the incident, sir,” said Hicks.
“K, Duncan. You know what man? I’m about getting tired of you and you’re about to go to jail just so you know,” barks the deputy, threatening an entirely innocent man.
“What am I going to jail for?” asked Hicks.
“I’ll create something you understand? You’ll go to jail. You understand that?”
Remaining vigilant and unafraid, Hicks stood his ground as he knew the cop had no basis to make such threats.
“You can’t say that. How are you gonna create something? That’s against the law,” Hicks said.
The deputy then responds with a complete and total lie by threatening to arrest Hicks for filming. “Recording me like that. That’s illegal without my knowledge. You want to go to jail for that too?”
According to the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department, however, audio and video recording in the station is allowed.
Hicks then fires back noting that he is only filming because an armed man is threatening to kidnap and cage him for no reason. “You have a gun on your hip. I’m doing this for my protection,” he says.
“Uh, uh, you’re not starting that in my lobby,” says the clerk before the video ends.
As CBS Los Angeles reports, Sheriff John McMahon, released a statement that read in part: “Since viewing the video, our employees’ response to the citizen is not consistent with my expectation of customer service. Additionally, the deputy’s responses are not consistent with the interpretation of the law…”
Hicks told the local news that “If that’s his way of protecting and doing his job I would like him to be fired,” and he is right. However, as of Thursday, the officer in the video is still employed.
Imagine for a moment that you made threats to kidnap and cage someone for the sole purpose of being aggravated with them. Imagine that you made these threats while on the job, at your place of work, and the person you threatened — was a customer. Do you think that for one second you would be able to keep that job — not too mention avoid jail for those threats?
However, if you are a police officer, you can do so with impunity.
Below is a video that highlights everything wrong with police in America today. These people fail to realize that they are public servants — not little tyrants who can deprive people of their freedom on a whim. Until this entitled attitude changes, this divide between the police and the policed will continue to grow.