Adan Salazar |
A California sheriff’s deputy is feeling the sting of humiliation after he attempted to shoot a fenced-in dog, but failed, succeeding only in shooting himself.

The deputy, who works with the Riverside County Court Services Division, was reportedly serving an eviction notice at a Riverside home on Wednesday at around 2p.m. when a “large dog” approached him.

Police say the pit bull, who can be seen in footage shot by Los Angeles NBC affiliate KNBC being playful and friendly with several children, attacked the officer, forcing him to draw his weapon.
“A large pit bull breed dog attacked the deputy,” an investigator told KNBC.
“In defense of himself, he fired one round at the dog and inadvertently struck himself in the leg.”
The dog’s owner, Jorge Rodriguez, says his dog never attacked.
The officer got scared and unfortunately pulled his gun and he shot himself,” Rodriguez says.
“He was in pain, man, I feel sorry for the officer.”
Watch the video below:
The officer sustained non-life threatening injuries and is being treated at the Riverside Community hospital.
RELATED: Cop Says “Awesome!” After Shooting Dog in the Head With Shotgun
Reports say the Department of Animal Services won’t take action against the dog as she was legally within a fenced enclosure.
No word on whether the officer will be investigated for mishandling his firearm.
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