It looks like cell phone privacy really is a thing of the past as New York prepares to pass a bill allowing police to steal people’s cell phone data.
A bill currently working its way through the New York state legislature that would allow cops to search through drivers’ cell phones following traffic incidents, even minor fender-benders, to determine if the person was using their phone while behind the wheel, reported The Ron Paul Liberty Report.
“Any person who operates a motor vehicle in the state shall be deemed to have given consent to field testing of his or her mobile telephone and/or personal electronic device for the purpose of determining the use thereof while operating a motor vehicle, provided that such testing is conducted by or at the direction of a police officer.”
Most states have laws banning the use of mobile devices while driving, but these laws are rarely enforced unless the person is actually caught in the act or admits to the officer that they were using their phone while driving.
Technology now exists that would give police the power to plug drivers’ phones into tablet-like devices , “textalyzers” that tell officers exactly what they were doing on their phone and exactly when they were doing it. And if the readout shows a driver was texting while driving, for instance, the legal system will have an additional way to fine them, said the Report.
“Recording your every click, tap or swipe, it would even know what apps you were using. Police officers could download the data, right on the spot,” said Jeff Rossen of NBC News.
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