Cops Cut Man’s Underwear Off in Public, Anally Penetrate Him With Fingers for “Rolling Through Stop Sign”


Justin Gardner | The Free Thought Project

Lee County, FL — A video uploaded to Facebook shows a gang of cops from the Fort Myers Police Department and Lee County Sheriff’s Office brutally violating a man on the roadside, after pulling him over for a rolling stop.

Screams of agony can be heard echoing from the trees as the man’s arm is twisted almost to the breaking point and his rectum is invaded by the gloved hand of a drug war enforcer.

The cops can be heard saying, “Stop resisting! Just relax!” as the victim continues to scream and kick in pain. Five officers are initially involved in subduing the man and searching his vehicle, and then another joins the fun by posing with gun in hand facing the onlookers.

The search appears to be in violation of at least part of Florida statute 901.211, which states in part:

“No person arrested for a traffic, regulatory, or misdemeanor offense, except in a case which is violent in nature, which involves a weapon, or which involves a controlled substance, shall be strip searched unless:

(a) There is probable cause to believe that the individual is concealing a weapon, a controlled substance, or stolen property; or

(3) Each strip search shall be performed by a person of the same gender as the arrested person and on premises where the search cannot be observed by persons not physically conducting or observing the search pursuant to this section. Any observer shall be of the same gender as the arrested person.

(4) Any body cavity search must be performed under sanitary conditions.

(5) No law enforcement officer shall order a strip search within the agency or facility without obtaining the written authorization of the supervising officer on duty.

Clearly, the anal cavity search was carried out in full view of the public, including a female onlooker. Other parts of the statute may have been violated as well.

Todd Crisp, a family member of the victim, said that at least one of the cops, Arturo Gonzales, routinely harasses Crisp and his family, and this was just the latest episode.

From the video it appears that the man did possess a bag of weed on his person or in the vehicle. However, possessing this plant—which is legal in four states and medicinally legal in 23 states—is no justification for the physical and sexual brutality carried out upon the man.

Watch the video below:

New Video!A must watch video! Watch Fort Myers Police Department with Lee County Sheriff Department make a traffic stop. That turns into a bodily rectum search, as four to five officers hold him down. As a officer cuts his boxers off and put on glover to enter his rectum. Listen for his cry for mercy while his arms is bend up as a officer goes inside his rectum. NOW SHEIRFF MIKE SCOTT AND CHIEF DENNIS ED MAY HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO FOR THE ACTIONS THATS BEEN CARRIED OUT IN OUR COMMUNITY! THIS IS UNEXPLAINABLE! #Comment #Share

Posted by Todd Chrisp on Wednesday, December 23, 2015