A devastated young mother was forced to pick up her dead baby son’s ashes from the floor after police allegedly ‘ripped open’ a teddy bear containing his remains.
Chelsea Wright, 23, and her partner James, lost their 10-month-old son on April 1 2014.
Despite being born prematurely at 34 weeks, Nathan was a ‘happy and healthy’ boy until his sudden death.
Wanting to keep her son close, Chelsea had Nathan’s ashes put into a teddy bear which she carried around with her every day.
But Chelsea was left ‘hysterical’ and on her hands and knees trying to recover the precious remains of her baby boy Nathan after officers searching her property are said to have torn open the toy.
The police had a search warrant but Chelsea was not suspected of committing any offence.
When the officers left empty-handed Chelsea went into the bedroom and was completely heart-broken by what she found.
The family have now opened a legal case against Staffordshire Police into the violation of their human rights.
Chelsea from, Rugeley in Staffordshire, said: ‘I can’t understand how the police can be so heartless and so inconsiderate, as soon as I went into the bedroom and saw the mess I knew it was Nathan’s ashes spread around the room.
‘I was just in hysterics, I got onto my hands and knees and tried to salvage the ashes and brush them onto pieces of paper, but it was impossible.
The couple still have no clear answers surrounding Nathan’s sudden death and a full inquest is yet to be heard
Chelsea says these pictures show the ashes scattered on the floor after police executed a search warrant at her address
‘I’d even mentioned it to them before they started searching, but the Velcro on the teddy bear’s back had been opened and the bag had been cut open.
‘I have no idea how they expected to find a laptop inside a small plastic bag which was inside a teddy bear, it is absolutely disgusting.
‘To have this happen feels like I have lost Nathan all over again.
‘It has taken me three years to come to terms with what happened to our family, but now I feel hurt again, like I did when we lost him.
‘Nothing is ever going to bring Nathan back, and no amount of money is ever going to replace his ashes, I just hope that lessons are learnt and this doesn’t happen to anyone else.’
Since Nathan’s death Chelsea had carried the memory bear with her everywhere to feel close to him.
For the full story visit : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4653818/Mum-forced-scoop-baby-s-ashes-police-blunder.html#ixzz4lb725uYf