Man Awarded $70k In Seattle Police Brutality Case

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A Seattle man reached a settlement with the city’s police department after a group of cops were caught using excessive force during an unlawful arrest.

According to the Seattle P-I, Isaac Ocak was brutally beaten by four cops in 2010. Ocak was driving his girlfriend’s car at the time when police pulled him over in West Seattle’s Westwood Village shopping mall. After police demanded the then 23-year-old to call his girlfriend to solidify his story, he was was choked and punched in the face several times by the officers. At the time of the arrest, the officers claimed Ocak tried to harm them and was charged with “contempt of cop” and fourth-degree assault.

Dashcam footage proved the SPD wrong and the city dropped the charges. Ocak was awarded $70,000 last month and the men remained on the force. The Seattle native believes the officers aren’t aware or might not even care that they did anything wrong.

“I do not believe the officers involved regret their actions,” Ocak said. “They may feel bad for the consequences they caused the city and how their image looks but they do not regret specifically what they did to me.”

He also remarks how troubling it is to be reminded every day by people in his community about the incident.

“Since this event I have tried to move and put it all behind me however it is sometimes difficult when I get called out in my community as ‘the guy that got beat up by the police,” he said. “It’s also difficult to see the same four officers still patrolling my neighborhood and not knowing what could happen if one of them ever detains me and they choose to leave video off.”