BATON ROUGE — Officers Bolden, Wheeler, and Jackson have all three been indicted for charges of abuse of power.
The abuse of power charges are in connection with a forced sexual act, according to reports.
It began when a man and a woman were sitting together in a car.
The two were parked at Old Hammond Park and hanging out with each other.
That’s when the officers pulled up in their police cruisers and approached the two, according to reports.
Officer Wheeler and Jackson made the male get out of the car.
He complied with their orders.
The two officers then took the male away, forcing him out of the park, sources say.
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They did this while Officer Bolden, who is 40 years old, stayed with the female.
Once the male was removed from the scene, Officer Bolden then forced the girl to perform sexual acts, according to reports.
Sgt. Mary Ann Godawa, a police spokeswoman, says that the two officers who took the male away, leaving the female alone with Officer Bolden, have both been placed on paid leave.
As for Officer Bolden, he has “resigned.”
“There are always going to be bad apples in the group. My job as an administrator is to find those bad apples and serve them with the discipline and whatever law they may have broke,” said Baton Rouge Police Chief Carl Dabadie.
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A grand jury has decided to charge all three with abuse of power, rather than sexual battery.
“Based on our review of the law and compared to the facts, the abuse of office was the most proper charge,” said District Attorney Hillar Moore.
If the officers are convicted, they may receive up to five years in jail, with a one year minimum. Watch video below: