Max Chantha | November 3, 2015
MISSOURI – Cops who for some reason are upset by seeing their corrupt, abusive, or violent coworkers exposed often claim that such scrutiny a symptom of the so-called ‘War on Cops.’
They believe that the American people have somehow magically turned on police for no reason, and are now intent on destroying their reputations and their lives, using intimidation and physical force.
This victimization is proven farcical yet again by Warren County’s own deputy Linkee Israel Carrillo.
Carrillo is currently out on bail being exposed for a bizarre and shameful series of lies he orchestrated to paint himself as a victim.
It started when about a dozen officers responded to his distress call, claiming he was ambushed and under fire in the Reifsnider State Forest.
Carrillo claimed to have been attacked by three men, showing the other officers bullet holes that riddled the front of his patrol car.
However, after studying the incident and forensic evidence and his own account, investigators determine Carrillo was lying and in fact had discharged his own weapon into his car, then lied about the entire incident.
However, this was not the only deliberate fabrication Carrillo would be found guilty of.
After discovering his staging of the ambush, investigators searched his home and discovered that Carrillo, who had claimed to have won a Purple Heart and Bronze Star, had served in the military but never in combat.
The deputy claimed that his time in combat and injuries sustained contributed to his PTSD: another lie that, ironically, many thought might explain is irrational behavior regarding the staged ambush.
Not only did this sheriff try to stoke the flame of social discord by inciting more cries about a ‘War on Cops,’ he also dishonored every veteran who honorably served and now bears the scars, physical or mental, of combat.
Despite being in the army, he lied about the role he played and tried to lie his way to a place of glory alongside those who have sacrificed life and limb for their beliefs.
His clearly victimized psychology has made himself into a public embarrassment, wasted taxpayer dollars, and dishonored those who have fought for our nation.
Max Chantha is a writer and investigative journalist interested in covering incidences of government injustice, at home and abroad. He is a current university student studying Global Studies and Professional Writing. Check out Max Chantha: An Independent Blog for more of his work.