The Fundamentals Of Outrageous Behavior Are Below The Standard


CASE NO.: P-878-09
on behalf of Kini Cosma, Nicholas J. Nelms, Matthew C. Nelms, et al.
United States Citizens,
Members of the Organization of American States,
This Petition is respectfully presented to this Honorable Commission
pursuant to Article 23 of the Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights on behalf of Kini Cosma, et al., United
States Citizens, by:


CASE NO.: P-878-09
Gay Bashing and Government Proscribed Violence
By Kini Cosma, Plaintiff
(541) 880-4534
P.O. Box 7918
Klamath Falls, OR 97602

I have been in the legal field for approximately 25 years. I no longer wish to be a participant of
the legal industry due to the severe tactics of corruption creating imminent risks of physical,
emotional, and financial harm.

Then, a thirty year old female, I was walking down a street in Napa, California on Friday
evening when female City of Napa police officer, Debbie Peecook, decided to arrest me
because I looked like a lesbian. Matter of fact, I was arrested over 25 times by the same
female officer just for walking down the street. I was not allowed to travel any further than a 2
mile radius of my home without being arrested. I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t break any
laws, start any fights, or harm anyone. I simply was open about who I am. And for that, I was
ordered to be beaten up by law enforcement and other U.S. Officials and their informants.
It seemed like Debbie Peecook had it all, money, friends, family, pets. But, Peecook has this
burning hatred for me. She completely destroyed my life. I lost my minor sons, and family, my
career, and much, much, more. I tried to forgive her. But, she just hated me more. I realized
she is not capable of loving anyone.

I have been arbitrarily arrested excessively since 1989-1995 (approx 40 times-landing in
prison on July 4th, arrested on Martin Luther King Day, arrested 1st business day of 2011,
sent to a mental institution on March 1, 2011: my birthday). When I was wrongfully convicted
of “stalking,” the status was enhanced to include a “sex offense” after I was sent to prison.
Branded a “sex offender,” I lost custody of my two sons. Later, the sex offender matter was
dismissed without the damages being paid. Officer Peecook has since been charged with
excessive force by another attorney.

Not satisfied that I was not beaten to death, Peecook intended to indirectly cause my death by
a third party. Before coercing and using jailhouse antics to force me into taking an illegal plea
bargain, City of Napa police sergeant Randy Bowman, Peecook’s instrumental police
accomplice from the narcotics division in Napa, California, had drugs smuggled into the jail so
that a strip search could be conducted making me line up among other female inmates to take
off all my clothes. Eventually, Peecook sent me to prison to get my ass beat. The tests of
shame also involved a forensic medical doctor examining my vagina to study the shape of my

After “legally” abducting my two minor sons, Peecook then had me sent to Susanville,
California, to get my beat there. California officials then ran me out of the State of California
by illegally suspending my driver’s license, not allowing me an administrative hearing that
others are entitled to, and allowing my $100k rightfully inherited trust to be pilfered.
In Klamath Falls, Oregon, after the pilfering of my real property, officer Peecook had others
beat my ass at the High Lake Apartments (Civil Case No.: ) She then had others
beat my ass at the Harlen Drive property (Civil Case No.: ). While forcing me into
homelessness, I was indisputably denied housing in trailer parks until I found a trailer park
where others are allowed permanent housing. At one point, the Klamath County Sheriff
decided to intervene in a civil dispute after I paid rent by running me out of Wiseman’s Mobile
Home Park.

Included in the financial abuse is having to go to long lengths to walk or to drive to avoid
hostile males in my vicinity who are bent on beating me or causing other emotional or
physical harm. On July 23, 2013, several members of the Living Faith Church ambushed me
to serve me a 72-hour notice while I was trying to exert my necessary daily exercise/walking
routine. The members demand was that I remove my horses from their property. (Civil Case
No.: )

To this day, I am not allowed to retain decent friendships or even a relationship as a lesbian
that others are entitled to. In an effort to change me into a straight woman to service American
men who are economically unworthy of such entitlement, I remain a targeted woman by
California and Oregon state and federal officials receiving ill-treatment by immediate neighbor
punks who have caused property damage and other unnecessary and unaffordable costs.
The risk of violence is especially high if I refuse to support moochers monetarily or sexually,
clean or cook for moochers, and prohibit moochers from invading my isolated home while
residing next to the trailer park landlord. The implications for this practice of neglect and
depraved indifference under the specific circumstances shows a risk of institutionalization,
imprisonment, or death for me because my gender orientation peaks the curiosity of straight

Peecook and her minions have been influential in the prevalence of all kinds of forms of
economic distress to increase the risk of violence against me knowing that when
homophobics gang stalk it causes their victims financial strain.
Knowing that I was always self-employed, Oregon law enforcement were told to confiscate all
of my business vehicles so I would have to depend on and service American men. One
KIamath County Sheriff confiscated my residential van and threw my underwear all over the
Fairgrounds property. To this day, I am not permitted to travel any further than a 2 mile radius.

It is a well known fact that violence is more pre valent and more severe when criminal
behavior that, when longstanding, leads to a greater tolerance of deviant behavior. Yet, the
bigotry of Debbie Peecook toward me has influenced offenders to force intimate violence on
me by placing me at the most risk by forcing me to exist in more severe economically
disadvantaged neighborhoods.

Understanding the links between these factors helps policymakers and practitioners
experiment with my personality factors who as a vulnerable lesbian woman does not want to
shack up with American men.

The incidence of violence is exacerbated by economic factors apart from the characteristics of
the individual involved when it is intentional; not the consequence of a failure to identify those
who are most vulnerable to such psychologically destructive conditions, but as a matter of a
systematic and deliberate practice.

The practice of subjecting me to ignored wrongdoing by Peecook, state officials, and their
communities involve harsh and punitive living conditions. The tiny, squalid, neighborhood
blocked off from the rest of the city centers on conditions of extreme isolation coupled with
additional cruel and degrading punishments inflicted by state officials. Years at a time of
prolonged isolation also actively prevents me from receiving treatment from the harm,
including trauma, bouts of hysteria and paranoia, severe depression, psychosis, serious selfinjury, mutilation, and suicide.
Law enforcement official Debbie Peecook has been provided insights into how social changes
cause economic distress that influences violence against me. Peecook knows that women in
disadvantaged neighborhoods are more likely to be victimized repeatedly and be injured by
forced domestic partners than women who live in healthy relationships. Peecook realizes that
the severity of violence and living in these circum stances while worrying about finances has a
rate of violence more than three times that of couples with low levels of financial strain.
However, employing strategies to prevent and detect economic practices and employment
policies do not play an important part in my risk of suffering.

To track my experiences and the risk of physical, emotional, and financial harm over time, see
The Inter-American Commission On Human Rights, Organization Of American States in
Washington CASE NO: P-878-09; ICC Communication OTP-CR-886/09.

(Catalogs a long list of human rights violations
showing a risk of institutionalization, imprisonment and/or death)
USCA 98-16415; USCA 98-16672; USCA 98-16673; USDC 98-00819; USDC 98-00618;
USDC C-04-0610 SBA; USDC CV-F-97-5994 (Napa & Placer County Superior Ct); Court
of Appeal-3rd Appell. Dist. 3 Civil C028174; 3 Civil C031259; USDC Civ. S-02-1704-WBS
Page 4of 7
GGH-PS No. MIS S-02-0236 WBS GGH-PS; 9th Circuit Docket No: 03-15084; USDC-CES
04-70711; CV07-06376 SBA; 04-70004; CR-S-05-0120-DAD; U.S. Federal Claims 1:05-cv-01201-LAS; Lassen County Superior Consolidated Judicial District Court: Citation No. 03530;
Case No. 26T-260-03; JC 38896; TR060989; TR059474; CR018285; TR050932; CR019489;
JC36801; TR070589; TR071517; JC38326; CR 26838; Municipal Court of the City of Klamath
Falls, State of Oregon: 06-10002506 (Citation 79135, Docket 0610002506, 05-03405-CV;
0504092CV; 0505141CV; 0704069CV; 0704035CV (06-10002506 Muni)..

These petitions will show how U.S. officials have pelted me with menacing punks, shit
disturbing twerps, Christian bigots, mean misogynist men and corrupt judges. I’ve been
bullied beyond human comprehension. I’ve been unlawfully evicted many times, my driver’s
license was illegally suspended and they have ran me out of the states. They profiled me as a
lesbian so American men could rape me straight. They have ruined my credit, they “legally”
pilfered all my vehicles by denying me access to the courts.

http://www.alcometals.comwas permitted to pilfer my $100k rightfully inherited trust estate.
They forced me to throw my personal belongings on the street in public view and have made
me live on the streets in the winter while my ears became infected with blood and pus and
while knowing I’m dying from what they have done to me. They sabotaged all my job

An outstanding student loan for learning law is still outstanding since 1990. Now, the
Department of Education is seizing funds from my menial income at the bank. Why should I
pay back a loan that has brought so many grievances and has not paid me one red cent?-Alleging that defendants Student Loan and US Bank have engaged in fraudulent and deceptive practices in connection with the solicitation, consolidation, and servicing of student loans.

They have threatened and injured my pets and are now in the process of making me desert
my beloved horses I’ve managed to have for 14 years. They have arrested me arbitrarily and
locked me up in mental institutions and declared me insane. They wiped out my family by
telling them I am sex offender. They even denied me my religious preference. These petitions
will prove that state and federal authorities encouraged others by allowing my civil,
constitutional, and human rights to be violated continually.

I am tired of being your human battering instrument. I am tired of male domination of my
rightfully inherited trust that I will never see. I am tired of mean misogynist men who steal my
possessions and hurt my animals. I am tired of them for abducting my children. I am tired of
seeing women in the military raped. I am tired of their denigration of women. I am tired of their
predators roaming around the street disguising themselves as priests, pastors, football
coaches, government representatives. I am tired of living in the USA with absolute and
petrifying fear. I am tired of hiding and running for my life like in WWII. I am tired of men
escaping the criminal justice system for heinous crimes against women!

Why haven’t these courts been investigated for the lawlessness of their criminal activity?
Why aren’t these judges on trial for maliciously robbing me of my life?

They tell their police to tell me it’s a civil matter when they want it to be. Otherwise, when it is
a civil matter they treat me like this horrible criminal. They tell me if I don’t like the way I’m
being treated to move. That is always their statement to me. I now choose to move out of the
United States because I have written and emailed thousands of agencies over 20 years and
not one has supported me or prompted an investigation. I have not asked for hand outs. I
have done most of the grueling court work myself.

I am tired of being a human battering instrument, to be tormented for bringing the truth to
light. You know, the human trafficking (promising a female a job in the legal industry then
defaming and exploiting her as a female sex offender). And, the child trafficking in the “child
protective services” so the counties can have their share of the profits under Title IV-D. Not to
mention the judicial impropriety and malfeasance, violations of the Constitution, then sending
me to a mental institution to shut me up for exposing exculpatory evidence against local,
state, and federal judges in Napa, California to Klamath Falls, OR

I’m tired of bullies who do not care whom he may hurt by his tormenting behavior. He
intimidates the vulnerable for his own benefit, or amusement. He lacks compassion…
The emotional abuse has not stopped the day I walked away from prison. It has continued to
affect me long after the abuse has become history. This abuse, from any source, humiliates,
undermines and paralyses me. People have a right to pass comment on errors I have made.
They are never justified in suggesting that the errors I have made undermines my human
worth. This abuse keeps me focused on the past; and seeing the future only through the
negative perspective of the abuse. When I’m in an emotionally abusive situation, I am always
reminded of everything I have ever done wrong – and visit on me their prediction that I will
never change for the better.

Emotional abuse brainwashes into taking whatever bad things people say about me as
gospel. If they can be so sure, when I am feeling so confused and undermined, then they
must be right. In fact, they sound so certain because they are heavily invested in what they’re
saying. They need you to believe it so they can maintain their power over you.
You can’t be sure whether it ‘counts’ as abuse or not. After all, they aren’t hitting me; they are
just forcing me to clean community feces and urine because the sewer pipes are just
accidently over flowing into my living quarters. Maybe, it’s just you being too sensitive, or too
demanding, or too unreasonable. That’s what they imply. So you end up worrying: “Is it? Isn’t
it?” Because you’ll only feel 100% justified in taking a firm stand, if you are absolutely sure,
and it’s so hard to be sure with words. All of this is mind control techniques meant to cripple
and deprive me of any life, liberty, or happiness.

Mind control makes you feel small, worthless or humiliated, deserving of no respect. You get
cornered because there is no other choice than to allow friends, acquaintances and even
strangers behave in ways that are either hurtful or careless of your feelings.
According to a Florida Appellate Court there is no statute of limitations on fraud to set aside
an adoption and my last stage of an 18 year battle all the way to the Inter-American

Commission must adhere to or enforce the adoptive status or the rights flowing therefrom

when the adoption is repugnant to the laws or policies of the United States of America.
Sometime ago the Appellate Court in Florida held “there is no statute of limitations on fraud to
set aside an adoption”. The cases we are relying on to set aside the adoption are: Kupec v.
Cooper, 593 So. 2d 1176, (Fla 5th DCA 1992) “Florida courts need to adhere to or enforce the
adoptive status or the rights flowing therefrom when the adoption is repugnant to the laws or
policies of Florida.”, Tsilidis v. Pedakis, 132 So.2d 9 (Fla 1st DCA 1961), Kupec v. Cooper,
above. Adoption Hot Line, Inc. v. HRS, 385 So. 2d 682 (Fla 3rd DCA 1980); Trushin v. State of
Florida., 475 S.2d 1290 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1985).

Coercion is a form of fraud: The Definition of Adoption Coercion “ Adoption coercion is any
form of overt or covert pressure, manipulation, convincing, force, fraud, human rights
violation, or withholding of services that results in a woman surrendering a baby for adoption.
It includes any practice specifically designed and intended to ensure or significantly increase
the odds that a mother will surrender her baby for adoption. It also includes any practice
designed to restrict or remove a mother’s freedom of choice by the use of influence,
persuasion, fraud, or duress. A coerced ‘choice’ is not a ‘choice’ at all. There is no ‘decision’
where there is coercion- Any practice designed to restrict or remove a mother’s freedom of
choice by the use of influence, persuasion, fraud, or duress.

Same is true. See my plea bargain-written statement I signed in the originating criminal
proceedings induced by Peecook proving I was forcibly transfered by threat of force and
coercion (such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological
oppression or abuse of power) against the person or persons or against another person; or
(b) by taking advantage of a coercive environment.

Going into the sex industry is very demoralizing especially when you had two sons.
Unfortunately, state and federal judges do not care whether a woman is illegally tossed into a
life of sexual harassment and matter of fact they encourage it.

There is a way out for many women who have been isolated in the sex trade. Not for me
because the power of the U.S. government refuses to give me a way out. Thank you for
spreading the word about the most evil, demonic, destructive entity – composed of people,
ostensibly – on the face of this earth. CPS is the same everywhere – a gang of demons who
rip babies and children from good, loving families and then send them to foster hell or sell
them to adoption. Children always suffer unfathomably just by the act of “removal.”
WHEREFORE, I, Kini Cosma, hereby Petition this Inter-American Commission to demand a
form of monetary settlement immediately (within 72 hours)from both the State of California
and State of Oregon presumedly that the alleged incidents were filed in state and federal
courts for which the states defaulted and the Federal Magistrates dismissed; leaving me with
no recourse of action to the above stated criminal activities by U.S. Officials.
Signed: Kini Cosma Dated: July 24, 2013