Veteran Rutherford SRO Charged With Assault of 16 Year Old Student and Perjury

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. – A 15-year veteran of the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office and school resource officer was arrested Tuesday.

The sheriff’s department says Jimmy Sanford, 53, was charged with assault, perjury, filing a false report, and subsequently terminated.

Sanford’s arrest comes after an investigation into an arrest that was made Monday at Smyrna West Alternative School.

He allegedly handcuffed and then assaulted a 16-year-old student before taking him to the juvenile detention center, according to Sheriff Michael Fitzhugh.

“We’re not going to accept lawlessness on the part of our law enforcement or detention officers,” Fitzhugh said. “It is unacceptable.”

Sanford’s court date, bond and mugshot will be released Thursday.

The investigation is ongoing. Further details weren’t released.
