FAYETTEVILLE — The U.S. government insists that it gathers our personal information for the purpose of “safety.”
But a woman recently experienced the opposite of “safety” after she was sexually assaulted by an officer who used a government database to find out her name and home location, according to reports.

The woman reports that she was sexually assaulted at her home by officer Jamison Stiles while he was on duty and in uniform.
Officer Stiles is said to have accessed a database that collects information on American citizens in order to find out where the woman lived.
Once he found out her home address, he started repeatedly driving by the woman’s residence late at night.

He did this at least four times, according to reports.
Then, early on a Monday morning as the woman was in her driveway, officer Stiles finally approached her.
The woman states that the officer grabbed her cell phone away from her.
He began “moaning” as he used her phone to access her private photos, according to the statement.
The woman attempted to escape back inside of her home.
She says that’s when officer Stiles restrained her and repeatedly began forcing his fingers down inside of her pants, in between her thighs and underneath her panties.
Despite the report of sexual assault, many pro-police accountability advocates are outraged after finding out that Stiles has now been released on a $50k bond.
Making matters worse, this is not the first time Stiles has been reported for sexual assault.
On November 10, another woman independently reported that Stiles sexually assaulted her, and she identified him in a photo line for investigators.
According to her report, Stiles arrested her while she was out grabbing drinks in downtown Fayetteville.
Once he had her alone in his patrol car, he turned off his vehicle video camera, violating department policy.
With his recorder turned off, he then took the woman to an apartment instead of to jail, according to reports.
He left her in the apartment to sleep at around 12 AM — what the woman didn’t know is that Stiles had a master key to gain access into the apartment later on.
RELATED: Police Now Demanding Access to Your Private Information, Including Your Text Messages and Google Searches
The woman states that at approximately 4:30 AM, she woke to find herself naked. Stiles was actually inside the apartment staring at her.
She states that Stiles quickly pulled the blanket off of her, grabbed her breast, and then he left.
He has been charged for rape, second-degree sexual assault, burglary and disclosure to an unauthorized person. He has been fired from the police department and is now out of jail on a bond.