Dad Arrested, His 2-yo Daughter Taken, for Successfully Treating Her Cancer with Cannabis Oil


John Vibes | The Free Thought Project

As cannabis is taken more seriously as a medicine and a treatment, more people are taking a chance and using it as a treatment for terminal illnesses. This treatment has had overwhelmingly positive results for countless people who had no other hope of recovery. Every day more stories and scientific studies are appearing from all over the world where people of all ages, even young children, are cured of life-threatening illnesses with cannabis oil.

More often than not, these patients face legal penalties and even jail time for trying to better their lives. In the case of parents with children who have terminal illnesses, they are forced to break laws to get their kids the treatment that they need.

The father of a 2-year-old with late-stage cancer is facing jail time for using cannabis oil in an attempt to ease his daughter’s suffering.

Adam Koessler of Queensland, Austrailia is one of these parents who are facing potential prison time for attempting to save their children’s lives with cannabis oil. Koessler’s 2-year-old daughter was diagnosed with stage-4 neuroblastoma, and when chemo was not working, he began giving her doses of cannabis oil after reading about how well it did for other people. Instantly he noticed remarkable results and an extreme improvement in her condition.

“The results were amazing, what we saw when Rumer was given the medical cannabis oil what nothing short of miraculous. Her cancer ridden little body was alive again — Rumer had almost instant quality of life…Her skin color came back, her eyes were sparkling again…We were certain after seeing these results that her recovery was entirely possible,” Koessler said.

Sadly, the hospital contacted the police and told them about what was happening, and they quickly arrested Koessler at the hospital for possessing ‘dangerous drugs’ and for supplying them to a minor. After he was released on bail the terms of his release prevented him from seeing his daughter and they have removed him from any involvement in his daughter’s treatment.

He has attempted to send his daughter organic meals so she is more healthy to fight the cancer, but the meals have been rejected from the hospital and they prevent her from receiving them.

A petition demanding that the government drop the charges against Koessler and allow him to see his daughter has received over 201,928 supporters, and his case has caught the attention of people all over the world.

Koessler attempted to see his daughter again last week and was denied by the staff at the hospital.

Although the government and law enforcement are at the root of this problem by continuing to wage the war on drugs, the hospital and their staff have played a major role in this incident. In their arrogance, they rejected the possibility of a natural cure and have used the enforcement arm of the government to prevent these potential cures from being explored.

Those who would keep a potentially life-saving medicine from a suffering 2-year-old child are nothing short of vile criminals. Nothing illustrates the insanity, immorality, and sheer evil of the drug war quite like punishing a parent for trying to save their child’s life and forcing a toddler to suffer.

John Vibes is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter-culture and the drug war. In addition to his writing and activist work, he organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference, which features top caliber speakers and whistle-blowers from all over the world. You can contact him and stay connected to his work at his Facebook page. You can find his 65 chapter Book entitled “Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance” at