The latest statistics for police killings in America in 2017 are as follows:
White – 254
Black – 137
Hispanic – 97
Other – 18
Unknown – 127
Body camera present – 63
Body camera not present – 570
Under 18 – 29
18 – 29 – 192
30 – 44 – 215
>44 – 166
Unknown- 41
Male – 607
Female – 26
There is only one thing for certain here in these statistics :
Police shootings cross all lines of race , age and ethnicity
There are only two themes here :
1. The vast majority of these shootings happen with no body camera present
2. You are much less likely to be shot if you are female or under 18
So you think that you and yours are safe?
They come from a different class or color from those getting shot?
Think again
In America all an officer has to do is” Fear for his life” in order to use deadly force
Think about it, the poor guys in Afghanistan, they must be killing everything in sight , huh?
You know, fearing for their lives
Oh, that’s right, engaging a foreign enemy on foreign soil they have a much higher standard than they do on the streets of our American cities
When an ISIS or Taliban fighter is confronted, the enemy must be holding a weapon for deadly force to be used
Yet the sons and daughters of America can be gunned down because a “Reasonable officer” “Feared for his life”
And to boot, with no video evidence of the event
Seriously, no body cameras in 570 of the shootings?
Are you willing to take the word of a person so frightened at the time that they “Feared for their life”?
I am not
Fear does funny things to perception
It makes things seem sometimes more than they are
When your number one goal is protecting your own life (Unlike the guys in Afghanistan) fear can make someone react when they shouldn’t
How can you tell whether or not that is the case?
Every LEO in the country should be wearing a body camera
And to turn it off intentionally should be a felony
There has to be a change in this country soon
Things are going to hit the boiling point if they continue on the way they are
And when that happens
No one will be safe