SOCIAL CIRCLE, GA – A metro Atlanta police officer is out of a job after he allegedly yelled profanities at a teen, then urged the teen to fight him during a traffic stop.
The incident happened in Social Circle on Wednesday, November 23rd. Officer James Sanders was fired this past Thursday after chief Tyrone Oliver received an anonymous tip.
Oliver says Sanders pulled the teens over after one of them yelled a vulgar term while he was working another traffic stop.
The video shows Sanders asking the 17 year old who yelled the term to get out of the car.
“Get out the jeep. What’d you have to say?” ‘Nothing,’ the teen said. “Tell me one more time and you’re going to jail son,” Sanders said.
Sanders then tells the kid to fight him.
“You wanna f**k the police?” “No sir I don’t,” the boy said. “Well I am right here brother,” Sanders said tapping the teen’s shoulder.
The encounter lasted about eight and a half minutes.
“If I go God damn jerking everybody out of that jeep and find marijuana, you think I’m going to take everybody to jail?” Sanders can be heard saying.
Oliver says Sanders had no legal reason to pull the car over. He also searched the vehicle without a warrant.
“It was completely uncalled for, unprovoked and it will not be tolerated here,” Oliver told CBS46 reporter Natalie Rubino.
Another officer who was called for back up handled the situation differently, talking calmly to the teens.
“What you did is not breaking law. It’s freedom of speech. Still just calling it out while we’re trying to do our job…” the officer said.
For Oliver the decision to fire Sanders was difficult but he says any type of disrespectful behavior towards the people they serve is unacceptable.
“We’re held to a higher standard and we have to conduct ourselves as such. We have to have tough skin and let things roll of our back,” Oliver said.
Sanders is an eight year veteran of the Social Circle Police Department. He’s been written up before including an 2014 incident where he threatened to blow up a local school over an argument about getting paid for off duty security. Oliver said regardless of whether or not Sanders was written up in the past, his decision to fire him would stay the same.