TULARE COUNTY, CA — “He took away what were supposed to be my best years,” the girl said in court.
The man who sexually touched her while she was a minor sat and listened to what she said without moving, according to reports.
A now-former police officer has faced a shockingly light sentence after pleading guilty to sexually contacting a minor, according to reports.
He was also found to be in possession of illegal steroids at the time.
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Officer Jeffrey Detwiler will stay in jail just a little over a month; 45 days in total.
He’s getting a mere slap on the wrist, even though he pleaded guilty to the sexual contact with a minor and possessing a controlled substance.
Think about that. How many years would an ordinary citizen receive — that’s to say, a citizen without government privilege and a special blue costume — for committing the same crimes?
Reports say that the incident happened when Officer Detwiler was overseeing the police department’s “Explorer Program,” which basically teaches impressionable minors that police are good and trustworthy and encourages them to seek jobs as loyal employees to the State.
The victim was in the “Explorer Program” at the time the sexual contact occurred.
“I felt I could trust him,” the victim said.
“He really took advantage of not just his position as a police officer, but as an advisor to the Police Explorers, and really abused that trust,” said attorney Anthony Fulz.
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Despite all of this, Officer Detwiler will serve only 45 days in jail, and some community service.
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