21 Mar 2016
Despite saying they handled the situation “the best they could,” police are investigating an incident outside a Michigan pub when a swarm of police officers gang-tackled an unresisting man to the ground where they Tasered him as a crowd yelled at the cops that he wasn’t doing anything.
In the video, uploaded to Facebook by Steven Ba, the man can be seen standing with his arms behind him and not struggling when five police officers first slam him into a wall before dragging him to the ground.
As Ba noted on his Facebook post, “Looks like each cop wanted to rip a limb off of him!” while claiming that the man was “Arrested for being Chaldean.”
Once on the ground the cops keep piling on him as one officer is heard saying “Taser” followed by the buzz of the device.
Bystanders attempting to talk to the police and stop the arrest are warned to “get back” by a phalanx of back-up police menacing them with Tasers
According to Click-On Detroit, the unidentified 25-year-old man was accused of fighting with patrons in a pub on St. Patrick’s Day.
“It was a very chaotic situation,” Lt. Dave Clemens explained. “They did the best they could under those conditions to take this person into custody.”
“At this point, preliminarily, there doesn’t appear to be any misconduct by officers,” Clemens continued, saying the Royal Oaks Police Department is investigating the incident
The man arrested in the video has been charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.