Officer Gets Drunk and Crashes Into Another Motorist — Cops Don’t Arrest Him, Give Him Ride to McDonalds


WOBURN — Two serious charges against a a former police officer, Evan Robitaille, have been dropped after it was discovered that he was involved in a hit-and-run accident while intoxicated, according to reports.

Officer Robitaille confessed to the facts surrounding the charges, but an agreement was reached to drop the charges and give him one year’s probation.

During the probation, Robitaille will be given random screenings, and if he doesn’t do anything illegal within his year of probation, the case against him will be completely dismissed.

Officer Robitaille was placed on paid leave after the drunk driving hit-and-run incident.

It began when police received reports that a man — later found to be Officer Robitaille — was drunk when he collided with a car on Interstate 495 in Tewksbury.

Rather than helping the victim with whom he drunkenly collided, Officer Robitaille instead fled the scene and drove to a nearby Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot.

A witness who saw the accident reported it, and an employee in the Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot also called 911 and stated that Officer Robitaille seemed drunk and had difficulty standing up.

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Surveillance footage later surfaced showing Officer Robitaille in his SUV, exiting the interstate after the crash.

Police arrived at the Dunkin Donuts parking lot and instead of arresting Robitaille for a drunken hit-and-run, they escorted him into the front seat of a patrol car and gave him a ride to a nearby McDonald’s.

Then they arranged to have Officer Robitaille’s SUV towed privately.

It was Lowell police Officer Dennis Moriarty who used his personal cell phone to help tow Officer Robitaille’s SUV, and gave Officer Robitaille a ride to McDonalds in his front seat, instead of charging him with operating under the influence.

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Officer Moriarty was disciplined for “misconduct” and given a reprimand.

It was only later that Officer Robitaille was indicted on charges — both of which have now been dropped with only one year of probation.

Watch the video below: