Two Police Officers Brutally Break Disabled Child’s Arm on Schoolbus

02/04/14 ROTTERDAM — A video has sparked outrage in communities after it was discovered that two large police officers ganged up on a mentally disabled boy and brutally broke his arm. A sharp cracking sound can be heard in the video as the boy’s bone is broken apart, followed by wailing and crying from the … Read more

Cops to Americans Seeking Justice for Kelly Thomas: “Waiting to Smash Your F*cking Faces in”

2014/01/28 FULLERTON — Protests over the “not guilty” verdict of two cops who were seen on video murdering Kelly Thomas have been ongoing in Fullerton, CA. Amid the protests, police engaged in the usual tactics to boost their arrest records, including driving around in unmarked vehicles and performing random “snatch and grabs” of citizens with … Read more

Crazed Cop Pulls Gun on Teenager for Taking Too Long at McDonald’s

2014/01/13 FORSYTH — A teenage boy was terrified when a  police officer aimed a loaded pistol at him in a McDonald’s drive-thru. The boy, Ryan Mash, was simply waiting to get his food like anybody else — he never expected that a crazed police officer would pop up by his car window and point a … Read more

Future Cop Says Americans Who Film Police Should be Exterminated in “Gas Chambers”

We’ve just received reports that members of Cop Block were targeted with what appears to be a violent threat, possibly a death threat, from an upcoming sheriff. Cop Block is a decentralized organization that promotes police accountability by going out and filming cops to document abuse, as well as by engaging in acts of civil disobedience. … Read more

WATCH: Cops on Power Trip, Shamed After Confronting Man Who Knows His Rights

2013/12/27 Because they wear special costumes and enjoy the privilege of belonging to a group that calls itself “government,” these individuals feel that they have a right to harass and abuse peaceful people. You can see the looks on their faces and their body language after this man shames them for their role as revenue … Read more

Cops Threaten to Execute Man’s Dogs for Not Allowing Illegal Search

KANSAS CITY — It began one night when Eric Crinnian heard a loud pounding on his front door. He was startled by the pounding, and given a recent burglary of his neighbor’s home he decided to keep a crowbar nearby for personal safety, according to Fox 4 Kansas City. He cracked open his door slightly … Read more