Remember the Cop Who Tased a Handcuffed Woman? American Citizens Just Put Him in the Hospital.

2014/04/20 MCALESTER — Do you remember the cop that tasered a handcuffed woman in the chest while his buddies just stood there and watched? Her name is Nakina Williams. RELATED: Cop Who Killed Homeless Man Shows His Face in Restaurant, Americans Make Him Leave His name is Officer Sterling Taylor of the McAlester Police Department, and … Read more

Armed Stand-Off Happening Right Now in Nevada Between Cowboys and Cops

Events ongoing since April 7, 2014. List of updates: 4/7:  Bundy Family Refuses to Submit, 200 Officers and Snipers Surround the Property 4/9:  Cowboys and Family Confront Officers, Officers Run Away (VIDEO) 4/12: Up to 5,000 Armed Militia Members Heading to Property to Protect Bundy Family 4/12: VIRAL: Censored Document Exposes Real Reason for Land Grab 4/12: … Read more

Video: Riot Cop Brutally Attacks Female Student For No Reason

Witnesses claim Tucson cops started violence; Police “were all dressed up for a riot and had no riot to go to” Steve Watson | Videos uploaded to YouTube over the weekend show cops in Arizona intentionally inciting violence following a basketball game Saturday night by firing pepper rounds into crowds of students and attacking innocent bystanders … Read more

Think Cops Won’t Declare War Against You? They Already Have…

WASHINGTON, DC — The United States Government is now equipping police departments across the country with 13,000 high-powered, mine-resistant military units, according to a newly released video report by Blomberg (below). These Mine Resistant Ambush-Protected (MRAP) units were used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Each MRAP weighs over 20 tons and is designed to protect … Read more

[WATCH] “You Don’t” Have Free Speech! — Cop Says to American Filming Him

2014/02/25 MARYLAND — A chilling video has surfaced showing  a cop yelling at an American citizen, saying “NO YOU DON’T!” when the American asserted “I have free speech.” Officers can be seen waddling angrily in the streets and arresting people left and right. RELATED: Pompous Cops on Power Trip, Shamed by Man Who Knows His … Read more

Cops to Americans Seeking Justice for Kelly Thomas: “Waiting to Smash Your F*cking Faces in”

2014/01/28 FULLERTON — Protests over the “not guilty” verdict of two cops who were seen on video murdering Kelly Thomas have been ongoing in Fullerton, CA. Amid the protests, police engaged in the usual tactics to boost their arrest records, including driving around in unmarked vehicles and performing random “snatch and grabs” of citizens with … Read more

“I Felt It POP” — Cop Ruptures Innocent Boy’s Testicles

PHILADELPHIA — Communities have erupted in protest after a black 16-yr-old boy was sexually assaulted by a police officer so violently that it ruptured his testicles. It’s possible that he may never be able to bear children because of the officer’s action. It began when Darrin Manning, a star basketball player and straight A student … Read more

Mirrors Brought to Protests: Police Forced to Look at What They’ve Become

UKRAINE — In a move that is picking up international attention, the people of Ukraine have begun bringing mirrors to their protests. They say they’re doing it to force police to look at their own reflection, in a piercing psychological reminder of what they’ve turned into. The idea came about after police were seen violently … Read more